The guaranteed response time for the Incident Support Package is within the next two business days (48 hours).
Handling of incidents within the Incident Support
After purchase of an Incident Support Package, we will send you a customer code. Our email and phone support is available for any member of your team that uses this customer code.
Incidents can be raised by phone or email.
Phone incidents
During a phone incident you can speak up to 45 minutes with an experienced Alkacon OpenCms consultant. Phone support is available only during our office hours.
During the phone call, you can ask several OpenCms related questions, which our answering consultant will try to answer to the best of his abilities.
Please note: Using a phone incident requires making an advance appointment even during Alkacon Software's office hours. For the Incident Support Package, we guarantee to schedule a phone call within the next two business days (48 hours).
Email incidents
An email incident within the Incident Support Package requires that you send an email to our support team, describing the problem. We will then open an incident ticket that will stay open until we have delivered an answer to this problem, regardless of the time or number of emails it takes to answer that inquiry. Only one question can be asked per email incident. If more than one question is contained in an email, each question in the email will be counted as one support incident.
For the Incident Support Package, we guarantee a response time within the next two business days (48 hours) for new email incidents.
If we provide an answer to an email incident, the incident is considered closed if the customer does not indicate otherwise within 5 days after our answer was provided.
Expiration of incidents
All purchased incidents are valid for 12 Months (1 year) after date of purchase.
Unused incidents from an Incident Support Package will expire 12 Months (1 year) after the support account was opened.